Motivated, coaching, leading by example, straightforward, genuine, staunch, perceptive, fair-minded, pragmatic, out-of-the box thinking 


@your service

We position ourselfs neutrally and in support of peers and other people, on the other hand we also challenge where necessary or add elements to speed up progress.

No problem taking on roles and ownership that help the business move forward faster. Stepping out of our comfort zone to deliver good added value.

Further build up experience, strengthen relationships, help people to find their way, keep questioning ourselfs on a regular basis in order to keep improving.

Surprise and delight

your customers.

There is

nothing like that

in business.

If you delight

your customers,

you’re a long way home.

Warren Buffett


Founder of B-Made in 2007.

Over 25 years of expertise in different area's of ICT and always in a strong connection with operational business.